When you hear the term blow up your life, you might think of something fatalistic, but I will tell you, it’s the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and those you love.
Blowing up your life isn’t about destroying or burning it all down (though I pretty much did) but about the art of Creative Destruction. It’s about tearing down the ideas, beliefs, and perspectives that aren’t serving you to clear the way for the ones that will. Creative Destruction is about evaluating what you do and why you do it. Creative Destruction takes into account your needs and also the needs of those you love. It’s intentional, not knee-jerk. It’s not a reaction, but instead, a solid place from which to stand, evaluate, and then pivot as needed so you can show up authentically as your healthiest self. If you’re not making decisions out of your healthiest self, then you’re doing yourself and those around you a disservice.
Why is that, you ask? Well, I’m still figuring it all out, but from what I can determine, it goes something like this: We are all called to our highest and greatest self, but we don’t always act out of that place, or make decisions from there either. This results in a lot of dissatisfaction in life. It breeds fear, pain, addiction, dysfunction, and a lot of other things that make life harder. Our ideas, beliefs, and perspectives about ourselves, our world, and others shape who we are and either bring us closer to our best selves or further away from it.
When you become brave enough to stop and analyze what you’re doing, thinking, and feeling, and explore the motivation behind these, you can invite an opportunity for change and healing (Creative Destruction), essentially blowing up the old ideas you once held dear but were actually keeping you from reaching your best YOU.
It’s easier when we do this together, so if what I’ve said sounds like your ‘jam,’ I’d love to have you as a part of this community. Come on in - the water’s great!